Well how more Union Jack-y can you get with this iconic Spice girls dress? Especially if you're ginger! But it comes with a pretty hefty price tag.
Next £199

And what about this bag? To go with the dress?
Next £28
And yet another Next find! These shoes by Irregular choice are a bargain at £65 and would add such a great touch to any outfit, especially on June 5th!
Missy Lil's does have to confess some thing here... I always thought these were broaches but they're brooches...
Anyway how ever you spell it these little collection by Mood for Debenhams are so sweet and only eight quid for the set!

And M&S are doing these incredible tights! Pity they're not in red, white and blue though!
Marks & Spencer £9.50

And for your head? What about these beauties from... Me! Missy Lil's make these 'Loverly Jubilee's for only £12 and everyone is unique!

And you couldn't have a list of Union Jack clothing and accessories with out mentioning a British icon... The Doc Martin!
You can pick these up in Schuh for £105...

And try Paint me a picture for loads of great Union Jack badges!
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